
AlloSigMA 2: paving the way to designing allosteric effectors and to exploring allosteric effects of mutations

Journal Type:  Journal Paper
Journal:  Nuclei Acids Research, 2020, doi: 10.1093/nar/gkaa338
Pubmed:  32392302
Impact Factor:  11.561
Date of Acceptance:   22 Apr 2020

The AlloSigMA 2 server provides an interactive platform for exploring the allosteric signaling caused by ligand binding and/or mutations, for analyzing the allosteric effects of mutations and for detecting potential cancer drivers and pathogenic nsSNPs. It can also be used for searching latent allosteric sites and for computationally designing allosteric effectors for these sites with required agonist/antagonist activity. The server is based on the implementation of the Structure-Based Statistical Mechanical Model of Allostery (SBSMMA), which allows one to evaluate the allosteric free energy as a result of the perturbation at per-residue resolution. The Allosteric Signaling Map (ASM) providing a comprehensive residue-by-residue allosteric control over the protein activity can be obtained for any structure of interest. The Allosteric Probing Map (APM), in turn, allows one to perform the fragment-based-like computational design experiment aimed at finding leads for potential allosteric effectors. The server can be instrumental in elucidating of allosteric mechanisms and actions of allosteric mutations, and in the efforts on design of new elements of allosteric control. The server is freely available at: