
Multiscale modelling and simulation of viruses

Journal Type:  Journal Paper
Journal:  Current Opinion in Structural Biology 2020, 61:146-152, doi: 10.1016/
Pubmed:  31991326
Impact Factor:  7.052
Date of Acceptance:   2 Apr 2020

In recent years, advances in structural biology, integrative modelling, and simulation approaches have allowed us to gain unprecedented insights into viral structure and dynamics. In this article we survey recent studies utilizing this wealth of structural information to build computational models of partial or complete viruses and to elucidate mechanisms of viral function. Additionally, the close interplay of viral pathogens with host factors - such as cellular and intracellular membranes, receptors, antibodies, and other host proteins - makes accurate models of viral interactions and dynamics essential. As viruses continue to pose severe challenges in prevention and treatment, enhancing our mechanistic understanding of viral infection is vital to enable the development of novel therapeutic strategies.