
Accelerated spin dynamics using deep learning corrections

Journal Type:  Journal Paper
Journal:  Sci Rep 10, 13772 (2020).
Date of Acceptance:   16 Jul 2020

Theoretical models capture very precisely the behaviour of magnetic materials at the microscopic level. This makes computer simulations of magnetic materials, such as spin dynamics simulations, accurately mimic experimental results. New approaches to efficient spin dynamics simulations are limited by integration time step barrier to solving the equations-of-motions of many-body problems. Using a short time step leads to an accurate but inefficient simulation regime whereas using a large time step leads to accumulation of numerical errors that render the whole simulation useless. In this paper, we use a Deep Learning method to compute the numerical errors of each large time step and use these computed errors to make corrections to achieve higher accuracy in our spin dynamics. We validate our method on the 3D Ferromagnetic Heisenberg cubic lattice over a range of temperatures. Here we show that the Deep Learning method can accelerate the simulation speed by 10 times while maintaining simulation accuracy and overcome the limitations of requiring small time steps in spin dynamic simulations.